------Welcome to Vance's Web Corner!------


Welcome, this is my personal web page! The main purpose of this website is to serve as a digital repository for my crude, subpar drawings and as a way to share them on the web without needing to use mainstream social networks. I used to post them on the Touhou subreddit but i deleted my account on December 27th 2024. I said a lot of dumb crap there so i don't regret it one bit. As you can see this site doesn't look very fancy, partly due to the fact that i'm a novice and also because its "mission" doesn't necessitate coloful graphics and images. More information can be found in the gallery section, be warned that it is a very long page. Enjoy your stay!

About me:

Who am i? I'm a 16 years old autistic italian dude that lives in the southern half of the country, straight, cis, formerly Catholic Christian turned Atheist. My main interests are Touhou Project, retro technology, the old web, watching TV and drawing. The name "Vance" is not my actual name and merely serves as a alias that i use on the web. If you happen to stumble upon a user named "Vance Croowa 08" or anything remotely similiar then it's probably me, although it's very unlikely to happen since my online presence is limited to Youtube, Discord and a handful of obscure sites, and even then i'm not very active as i prefer keeping a somewhat low profile on the Web. Do not attempt to send me any friend requests as they will be ignored.


The gallery, the website's main attraction

© 2025 Vance Croowa 08